Important Things To Know

Things to know for registered Sisters...



Hello there from Rev. Abigail and the Dream Team!

It’s getting close! 2025 SisterSpirit is just a few weeks away, we are excitedly preparing for your arrivalThere’s lots of juicy information here– created to answer all your questions!


Please read this carefully, as there are some very important steps and updates that you must know prior to traveling to Seabeck Conference Center and while onsite with us for the event


COVID-19 and FLU safety measures: Currently there is no face mask requirement for the retreat.  Washington State officials advise people to continue wearing properly fitted face masks in most indoor settings. Mask wearing is your choice. You may also choose to eat outside in the covered Pavilion (dress warmly or bring a blanket!)  Remember that Seabeck policy requires that anyone testing positive or showing signs of COVID-19 should leave the campus grounds immediately.  


Cancellations: If you are unable to attend the retreat for any reason, it is important that you contact Marylyn Kirk at 408-504-5121 or Cathy Gucker at 541-222-0863 (texting is ok) as soon as you can so that we won’t worry about you. If you cannot attend, but have a substitute who can, we need to know as soon as possible so appropriate arrangements can be made.  There is limited cell phone reception at Seabeck depending on your carrier. If you cannot reach us, please call the Seabeck Conference Center at 360-830-5010 and leave a message.


Refunds: Refunds are available only if you cancel by March 24, 2025. We will refund 50% of the amount paid minus the non-refundable pre-registration payment.  If you cancel less than 10 days before the retreat start date, there is no refund.  However, if you are unable to attend due to illness or unforeseen emergency circumstances, we may offer partial credit toward a future retreat, at our discretion. 


Arrival and Departure: Please arrive at Seabeck on Thursday, April 3rd, between 1:15-3:30pm to check-in. This will provide adequate time for you to check in at the Historic Inn lobby and unload your gear before our first gathering. Travel time from SEA-TAC is approximately 2 hours (68.5 mi) via I-5 S and WA-16 W, and no ferry crossing is required. If traveling from North of Seattle, please allow plenty of time to take the Edmonds/Kingston Ferry or the Seattle/Bremerton Ferry. The Ferry schedules can be found at: Our closing ceremony will be on Sunday morning followed by lunch. Please honor your commitment to arrive on time and remain until the end of the retreat on Sunday.  Plan to depart Seabeck by 2:00pm on Sunday. Seabeck policy requires that all attendees have left the campus by 2:00pm.  

NOTE: SEA-TAC Airport to Seabeck is approx. 2-hour drive. The ferry crossing takes about 30 min and then 45-60 min drive.


Carpool: Please make your own carpool arrangements on the Google doc located at 2025 Carpool Connections. It’s fun to share a ride with someone and make a new friend while being environmentally friendly. Be sure to share the cost of gas, tolls, car rental or ferry expenses with your driver. If you have a car with extra space for passengers, please consider helping and add your name to the carpool list. Many of our attendees are from out of state.


Shuttle Transportation: If you fly into the Seattle (SEA-SeaTac) airport, you can take a shuttle to Silverdale (nearby city to Seabeck) with Bremerton-Kitsap Airporter Shuttle. Upon arrival at SeaTac airport, head down to carousel 3 baggage claim. You will see a kiosk with the words Kitsap Airporter. Pay for a $39 one-way ticket to Silverdale. The shuttle stops at the airport at the top of the hour from 4am-9pm. Hand your ticket to the driver of the shuttle bus (a white bus with Kitsap Airporter on the side.) You will need to make a reservation for your return trip from Silverdale to the airport. Schedule, reservations, and fares can be found at: Once you arrive in Silverdale, take a taxi, Uber, or Lyft from Silverdale to Seabeck. You will need to make your own transportation arrangements. Be sure to check out the Carpool list above!


Informational volunteer meeting, Welcome gathering, and Orientation: If you are interested in being in sacred service during the retreat, there will be an informational volunteer meeting at 4:15pm in the Meeting Room in PINES first floor meeting room, followed by our Welcome Gathering and Orientation meeting for everyone at 5:00pm in the same location. Dinner will follow at 6:00pm in the DINING ROOM at mid-campus. Our first Session and Opening Ceremony will be at 7:30pm in Pines first floor meeting room. For the retreat Daily Schedule-click


Meals: If you are indicated vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free or dairy-free on your registration form, there will be appropriate food choices for you. Our caterer has been informed of any special diets or food allergies that you may have listed. There is a small, shared refrigerator in the Dining Room for special food needs or to store required medications. Or you can bring your own cooler. Ice is available on the porch outside the Dining Room for a nominal fee (couple of dollars). There are also refrigerators in Pines first floor kitchen. Remember to label your food. If not labeled it may be shared with others. Anything left at the end of the retreat will be tossed out.


Fun Clothing: The Dream Team is planning to wear certain colors for each of the main sessions and we invite you to join in. Of course, this is optional!

        Thursday PM: Wear Purple and/or Orange.

        Friday AM: Wear Green.

        Friday PM: Representing the Dark Night of the Soul. Wear red and/or black.

        Saturday AM: Wear Teal and/or Indigo.

        Sunday AM: Wear chartreuse, lemon lime, sparkles, silver, yellow, or white.


Weather: Early April at Seabeck experiences almost constant cloud cover, with the percentage of time that the sky is overcast or mostly cloudy is about 68%. The average daily high temperature is 60 degrees and average low temperature is 42 degrees. There’s a 50% chance of rain or showers.


Cell Phone and Wi-Fi reception: Cell phone reception is limited especially with Sprint or AT&T carriers.  Wi-Fi service may be spotty. Be prepared to be "technologically unplugged" for a few days, just in case!  Seabeck has a 24-hour phone number to leave with your family, and it is 360-830-5010.


Artisan Faire: On Saturday afternoon there will be an Artisan Faire in Pines. If you have personally created arts, crafts, jewelry, pottery, fiber art, paintings, have authored a book or produced your own music (CDs or otherwise), this is YOUR time to shine. We’ll have tables set up. Price your items and bring your displays, your own change, Square or paper credit card authorization forms for sales. We can’t wait to see your creations!  It will be fun to support our sisters in their creative endeavors and purchase some unique items.  Bring some extra cash to go shopping! 

Bathrooms/Showers and linens: Bathrooms and showers are shared with your roommate(s). All bedding, pillows, towels, and washcloths are provided. The downstairs rooms in Salal, and all rooms in Pines are ADA accessible. There is no daily linen service. Instead, if you require clean linens, place the used ones outside your room and they will be replaced by the hospitality staff.

What to Bring: What to Bring: The full list of recommended items is on the dropdown menu. Please label your personal belongings. Some women snore, so bring earplugs if you are a light sleeper. Pets are not allowed at Seabeck Conference Center per our contract. Bring business cards/event flyers for our community table, labeled photos of departed loved ones for our ancestor altar, bring drums, rattles, flutes, guitars, ukuleles, or other musical instruments for our drumming circles. It helps if you label them, too.


Retreat spiritual leader, guest speaker & musician: Rev. Abigail Schairer is our retreat Spiritual Leader, main speaker, and facilitator. Several of the main sessions will also be facilitated by the Dream Team. The wonderful and inspiring Faith Rivera, a dynamic singer and songwriter is our featured musician! Get ready for some powerful feminine energy!


Workshops & free time:  There will be a variety of workshops to choose from where supplies will be provided. You can also choose to enjoy time to bask in the sun (or rain-LOL), take a nap, read a book, journal, or hike around the area. If you are interested in presenting an 1 ½ hour workshop, please apply here: We have space for one more workshop.


Gently Used Gift Exchange: Should you have any gently used jewelry, other spiritual items, or books you would like to gift to someone else, please bring them to the Gift Exchange table.  If you find something you like, feel free to give that item a new loving home!


Divine Expression Talent Show: Our Saturday night experience, Divine Expression Talent Show, will be your chance to showcase your entertainment skills. All performance pieces (songs, dances, skits, poetry, stand-up comedy, musical solos, whatever!) are welcome for your 3 minutes of fame. Be sure to bring any props, music, costumes, instruments, CDs, etc., that will enhance your special talents (especially sheet music if you want our fabulous musician to accompany you). Sign up for Divine Expression Talent Show at Registration when you arrive at Seabeck. (Remember to keep your presentation to no more than Three minutes!). Be prepared to provide our emcee with a written introduction for your act, so we can stay on time. There are a limited number of spots available.


Angel Fund Scholarships: We need more support! This year, so far, we’ve given out $3000 in Angel Fund Scholarship money for 10 people. We still have an additional 3-4 women who have indicated their financial need for support. Every year, we set the intention that those who really need SisterSpirit can attend. Our goal is to raise an additional $1500 to support those women who have indicated need. If you can spread some love and donate additional money, please click here:


SisterSpirit 2026 Intention Deposit: SisterSpirit 2026 will be held April 16-19, 2026. You will have an opportunity to complete your Intention Deposit for 2026 at the retreat. You can enroll yourself and/or a friend or relative for next year for $99 each. This amount will apply to your 2026 registration fee, you will receive a $40 discount off the cost of the 2026 retreat, AND you will be able to register a few weeks ahead of regular registration. You will have first choice of lodging location before registration opens to the public. (Sorry we cannot guarantee a specific lodging as we may not know in advance what buildings will be available until the following year.) Checks, cash, or debit/credit cards are accepted for enrolling and submitting your Intention Deposit. NOTE: YOU MUST STILL REGISTER BETWEEN DECEMBER 2025 AND JANUARY 31, 2026 IN ORDER FOR US TO GUARANTEE YOUR SPACE AT THE 2026 RETREAT. Watch your email in November for the opening of Registration just for YOU!


We are super excited to see you again or meet for the first time.  We can’t wait to be with you at this transformational retreat where we will experience a bridge to the radiant soul!  We will see you at Seabeck on Thursday, April 3rd between 1:15 and 3:30pm




Rev. Abigail Schairer, Marylyn Kirk, RScP, Cathy Gucker, Michelle Lang, Rev. Lynda Lundry-Starr, Cheryl Gifford, and Julieanna Smith

2025 SisterSpirit Dream Team